==== Application of Additions ==== After you have added modifiers for HAD/PD, Captain’s influence, Aggression, and Motivation Points, as shown in your totals column on your turn sheet, the remaining modifiers are applied in the following order... * Additions for team category (power, skill, power/skill), * Additions for playing style (Positive, Neutral, etc) * Deductions for marking, * Assignment of MF/G levels (if any), * Adjustments for weather and ground effects **Note:** the totals shown on your squad printouts are the totals after all these modifiers have been applied. See also... * [[player_positions:start|Player Positions]] * [[home_advantage_had:start|Home Advantage (HAD)]] * [[play_defensively:start|Play Defensively (PD)]] * [[application_of_additions:start|Application of Additions]] * [[calculating_the_result:start|Calculating the Result]] * [[weather_and_pitch_effects:start|Weather and Pitch Effects]] * [[motivation_points:start|Motivation Points]] * [[playing_style:start|Playing Style]] ----